Brazilian Certifications & Accreditations

INMETRO General Coordination of Accreditation

Cugnier is accredited as a Conformity Assessment Body by the General Coordination of Accreditation of Inmetro for the certification of products, ABNT NBR ISO / IEC 17065 standard, under the number OCP 125. This accreditation constitutes the formal expression of recognition of Cugnier's competence as a certifier to carry out product certification, according to accredited scope.

The Certification is a set of activities developed by an independent third party body for the purpose of publicly attesting in writing that a particular product, process or service conforms to specified requirements.

CRCC ‐ Certificate of Registration and Cadastral Classification

The CRCC ‐ Certificate of Registration and Cadastral Classification is a system in which all units of Petrobras maintain periodically updated information on companies able to provide goods / services to Petrobras throughout the production chain

It is a rigorous certification, which includes aspects related to Quality Management, Environment, Social Responsibility, Health and Operational Safety. It further considers various requirements related to the physical structure of facilities,

equipments, experience in the business segment with evidence (Certificates of Technical Capacity issued by customers), technical competence of employees and financial and legal requirements.

Cugnier is in a select group of Brazilian companies certified by Petrobras through the CRCC, with competence to perform complex technical inspections, ensuring compliance with signed contracts and proposed timelines.

Certification of Organic Products

Cugnier is a Product Certification Body, accredited by the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento ‐ MAPA, with number 029 / SC ‐ of the Coordenação de Agroecologia ‐ COAGRE and is able to certify a primary vegetable production and processing of products of vegetable and animal origin.

Cugnier performs the certification modality by audit, consisting of a set of activities developed by an independent third party body, with the purpose of publicly certifying, in writing, that a particular product, process or service, are in compliance with the specified requirements.

Selo Social (SOCIAL SEAL)

The Social Seal is a program developed by the city in partnership with the Business Association (ACII) and the Municipal Councils of Education, Health, Social Development, Child and Teenager and Environment. The Social Seal aims to publicly recognize and value private enterprise initiatives that promote the socioeconomic development of its employees or the community in which it operates.

The certification by the Social Seal is an important business advantage, creating link between brand, product or service, and social projects. The social responsibility of Cugnier accredits the special group of companies certified by the city of Itajai as Social Agents. The recognition as a socially responsible company, it is important factor increasingly valued by consumers..

The criteria is based on the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the UN. These objectives include actions aimed at: combating hunger and poverty (MDG 1); access to quality basic education for all (MDG 2); gender equality and the empowerment of women (MDG 3); reducing child mortality (MDG 4); improving the health of pregnant women (MDG 5); fight AIDS and Malaria (MDG 6); quality of life and respect for the environment (MDG 7); and the union of the whole society for development (MDG 8).

ONIP ‐ The National Organization of Petroleum Industry

The National Organization of Petroleum Industry (ONIP) act as a forum of articulation and cooperation among the exploring, production, refining, processing, transport and distribution of petroleum and derivatives, supplier companies of goods and oil sector services, government bodies and promotion agencies.

Created on May 31st, 1999, ONIP is a non‐governmental organization, of private law and non‐profit, that gathers all the segments in which the oil and gas sector acts

Its organizational structure was designed so that to the performance of its functions is conducted in a collegiate and participative way.

The main mission of ONIP is maximize the local content of goods and services supplied, based in a competitive cooperation to assure a wide equality of opportunities to the national supplier, increasing income and employment generation in the country. Certification

CIDASC ‐Integrated Company of Agricultural Development of Santa Catarina

The Integrated Agricultural Development Company of Santa Catarina ‐ CIDASC, is geared to the implementation of animal and vegetable health actions, the preservation of public health, the promotion of agribusiness and sustainable development of Santa Catarina, Brazil

As in Parana, in Santa Catarina Cugnier was also the first company qualified to provide sanitary inspection services in various sectors of this state's agribusiness. Drawing on years of experience, Cugnier and his veterinary team is nationally recognized for the quality of services provided.

Certification of social responsibility ALESC

Certification of social responsibility ALESC The Legislative Assembly of the state of Santa Catarina ‐ ALESC (Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Santa Catarina), based on the Law nº 12,918, of January 23rd, 2004, established the Social Responsibility Certificate of Santa Catarina and the Trophy of Social Responsibility ‐ Featured Santa Catarina,

with the goal to recognize and highlight private companies, public companies and non‐profit organizations that have included social and environmental responsibility in their management policies directed to promote the well‐being of society and environmental preservation

Nós podemos SC (We can SC)

Nós podemos SC (We can SC) The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), were approved by the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development, the SDG must guide national and international cooperation activities policies in the next fifteen years, replacing and upgrading the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs ).

The agreement includes 17 objectives and 169 goals, involving diverse topics such as poverty eradication, food security and agriculture, health,

education, gender equality, reducing inequalities, energy, water and sanitation, sustainable patterns of production and consumption change climate, sustainable cities, protection and sustainable use of oceans and terrestrial ecosystems, inclusive economic growth, infrastructure and industrialization, governance and means of implementation.

National Association of Cereals Exporters

Cugnier is associated with ANEC ‐ Associação Nacional dos Exportadores de Cereais, whose purpose is to promote the development of activities related to grains and cereals, as well as to defend the interests of its associates, public and private authorities. The ANEC’s trajectory began on June 22th, 1965.

Nowadays, with half a century of experience,it has 40 associated companies, of which 21 are effective and 19 are contributing. Among them are those qualified as the largest and the best in Brazil and the world.