Control of quality and quanity. We ensure compliance with regulatory requirements of different countries and markets
Cugnier performs audit and consulting services for management system certification
Attention and continuous improvement of the requirements of the Integrated Management System
The Integrated Management Policy that makes us Proud
Cugnier develops solutions for inspection and certification of production processes, recognizing the importance of quality for their services, the environment and for the prevention of pollution, promoting sustainability and making rational use of non‐renewable natural resources and proper waste disposal ensuring the health,
safety and training of its employees complying with the relevant legislation, the organization's guidelines and other requirements, and meeting the needs of its clients through critical analysis and continuous improvement of its Integrated Management System.
Within its Integrated Management Policy, Cugnier Certificadora has as its main business objective the compliance with national and international law, and requires its employees to show integrity and honesty in all their dealings.